Created in 2004 as a charitable organization, Linking Generations provides mentored and structured visits aimed at building relationships between seniors and youth in our community.
Linking Generations creates connections between seniors and youth by nurturing friendships built through volunteering and structured mentorship.
Become a Linking Generations School Grandparent
It doesn’t take much to be a part of your community. It can start by visiting a school classroom.
As a Linking Generations School Grandparent, you will be joining a growing number of women and men who are dedicated to building strong communities through inter-generational connections.
The Linking Generations Grandparent program welcomes your interest if you: Are 55+ and live in the area
- Have a desire to share skills, knowledge, and life experience in a school classroom
- Can share 1-3 hours per month
- Can commit for at least one full school year (October- April)
- Have your own transportation
If you or a senior family member is interested in volunteering, please visit the Linking Generations website.