What is LawnBusters?
LawnBusters is a volunteer lawn-care service for low income seniors and/or persons with disabilities. The LawnBusters community program matches eligible individuals with volunteers who commit to cutting grass for the residents’ front and/or back lawn as needed.
How does the program impact our Community?
LawnBusters volunteers are an essential part of making a life-changing experience for our community, whether you become a LawnBuster or simply help out a neighbour. Help to build a stronger and safer community and create an opportunity for an important connection.
• It helps low income seniors and people with disabilities remain independent in their homes.
• Promotes community connections and inclusion.
• It’s also great exercise for volunteers!
When and where does the program run?
The program start and end times will be determined by weather and grass growth. Volunteers commit to supporting clients for the entire spring and summer mowing season. Mowing happens as needed. We do our best to match our volunteers with residents who live nearby.
Who is eligible to volunteer?
- Individuals
- Couples
- Teams or Groups*
- Families*
- Teens 15+ with parental consent and support
Who is eligible for the program?
- Strathcona County Resident.
- Must have a working lawn mower.
- My Net Annual Income does not exceed $31,080 for a single income household or $50,720 for total household income.
- Physically unable to maintain the lawn.
- Are solely responsible for lawn maintenance for my property.
- No persons in the residence that are physically able to maintain the lawn (no children or grandchildren).
How do I participate in the program?
To volunteer or become a client, please email Volunteer Strathcona at services@volunteerstrathcona.ca or phone 780-464-4242.
RESIDENT APPLICATION DEADLINE to apply for program is June 15, 2024.
At Volunteer Strathcona, we envision a community where people look out for each other. Together, we can create a supportive, safe, and connected place to call home.
Disclaimer: All Volunteer Strathcona clients and volunteers agree not to enter into any additional agreements and/or offer additional services, paid or otherwise, outside the scope of their agreement(s) with Volunteer Strathcona. Any clients or volunteers that do not follow this rule will no longer be eligible to participate in any Volunteer Strathcona programs.